Watch our video as we built our first dome home (earthbag) on the 6,600 meters of raw land that is now Hacienda Eco-Domes.  Super Adobe Earth Bag Construction by Johnny Punish.

At end of May 2012, Johnny Punish began construction of an Earth Bag Village originally called Earthbag Punish now named Hacienda Eco-Domes. The village consists of 1 main home, a music studio, 1 guest home for vacation rentals, a garden, a vineyard, and a small sustainable personal farm with chickens (farm fresh eggs).

With Off-The-Grid Solar power, 100% recycled water usage, and more, Hacienda Eco-Domes by Johnny Punish is now a leading-edge eco-family project in North America. This video shows Punish Music Studios being built. It was the first structure built and was a test model for future construction.  It worked out great giving Johnny Punish the inspiration and confidence to continue forward.

By 2022, Johnny has written, recorded, and released over 130 songs made at the Punish Studios dome.  It’s been an amazingly inspirational experience… the perfect place to share positive energy while paying homage to the universe.


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