Doña Betty from Hacienda Eco-Domes picking fresh table grapes at A'K Vino in Zarco
Doña Betty from Hacienda Eco-Domes picking fresh table grapes at A’K Vino in Zarco

Meet Jobe and his wife Edna!  Together they opened A’K Vino in the pueblo of Francisco Zarco; abut 20 minutes from our Hacienda Eco-Domes.

Jobe worked for many years in the USA with his last employment with Tesla the car company.  But finally, the Zarco native said it’s time to come home. He did and we’re all lucky because they have the best burritos familiar in town.  Simple yet tasty with great salsa, it’s perfect for a quick fast food snack as you drive through the town in search of your favorite wineries.

They also sell wine, boutique ice cream, local cheese, local olive oil and more.

You can find their store and location right next door to the main super market in town.  It’s a can’t miss.

Here check out the pics

A’K Vino owner Jobe taking care of business
Fresh Cheese and Olive Oil Tastings
Fresh Local Cheese
Store Front
Customer Shopping
Edna working the wine tasting bar
Street View of A’K Vino

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